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How To Install Perfect Player PRO IPTV v1.5.8 (Unlocked)

How To Install Perfect Player PRO IPTV v1.5.8 (Unlocked)


Perfect Player Pro is application android set-top box style IPTV/Media player for watching videos on TVs, tablets and smartphones. The app doesn’t contain any channels, you would like to feature Playlists in Settings for this.

Perfect Player Pro IPTV Features:

-Nice OSD menus and infos for straightforward and pleasant watching videos with minimum user actions
– Scaleable OSD renders correctly with any screen resolution and selected font size
– IPTV watching with channels groups, logos and EPG
– Local files watching (from SDCard, USB, etc)
– Video plugins support
– Supported playlist formats: M3U, XSPF
– Supported EPG formats
– udpxy (UDP-TO-HTTP proxy) server support
– Can hook up with IPTV data server (Perfect Player’s PC version) to fetch playlist, EPG, logos.
– are often controlled by remote , mouse, keyboard, etc
– Supports Perfect Cast IPTV – remote app designed exclusively for Perfect Player
– Big controls panel is beneficial on devices with small screen size (toggle the pannel with the 2 fingers touch)
– Play last channel at startup

How to Install Perfect Player APK on Android TV

Step by step installation

  1. Launch the Google Player Store

    Jalankan aplikasi Google play

  2. Download Perfect Player Pro on this article at the bottom

    unduh perfect player, linknya ada pada bagian bawah didalam artikel ini.

  3. Click on Install and permit Perfect Player any permissions that it asks for

    Klik Install dan berikan izinkan Perfect Player untuk menginstal.

  4. When it’s done installing, you’ll open to launch it from here otherwise you will find the right Player APK in your Apps section.

    Setelah selesai menginstal, buka aplikasi Perfect Player-nya.

  5. Click General

    klik General

  6. Click Playlist

    Klik Playlist

  7. Enter in your M3U URL or Insert File M3U ( you can get this file M3U on my web, please search “iptv m3u”. Then click Next

    Masukkan URL M3U Anda atau Masukkan File M3U (Anda bisa mendapatkan file M3U ini di web saya, silakan cari “iptv m3u”. Kemudian klik Next

  8. Click the back button on your phone/TV Android, and you should notice a message in the upper right saying the “Playlist updated started.”

    Klik tombol kembali di ponsel / TV Android Anda, dan Anda akan melihat pesan di kanan atas yang mengatakan “Daftar putar dimutakhirkan dimulai.”

  9. Once the update is completed you”ll notice a list of channels appear on the left side of your screen and now you can watch broadcast tv on your phone/tv android with internet.

    Setelah pembaruan selesai, Anda akan melihat daftar saluran yang berada disisi kiri layar anda dan anda sudah bisa menonton.

Download Apk | Download M3U FILE

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Edward Adiputra

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